Take Action
Engage Your LegislatorsYour voices are critical to elevate the importance of significant state funding for child care. No matter what day, month, election, or state budget season, it is always an important time to tell your story to raise awareness with elected officials.
Use this letter-writing portal to tell your state elected officials to invest $480 million to support the child care sector in the 2025-27 state budget. This investment would provide targeted grants to help keep programs open and increase the wages of early educators. Without action, Wisconsin risks a deepening crisis: programs forced to raise rates and consider closing, added financial strains for working families, and the workforce and economic consequences that will result. Send a letter to tell your state elected officials it is their job to ensure child care providers, young children, families, and the economy receive the support they need. Please take the time to share your individual story about how this investment would impact you.
Petition: Families Call on Wisconsin Legislators to Invest in Child Care in 2025-27 State Budget
Child care costs continue to rise, early educators aren’t paid enough, and businesses need reliable employees, who depend on high-quality care to go to work. This continued crisis and its longstanding challenges require a significant investment of state revenue to support the child care sector.
We call on state legislators to invest $480 million to support the child care sector in the 2025-27 state budget. It is long past time to support parents, children, businesses, and communities with the investment child care so readily deserves and demands.

2025-27 State Budget Request
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Immediately find your state elected officials with this online portal. Input your residential address in the upper right corner and get your legislators and their contact information.